Neuromuscular pain magic

The name “Neuromuscular pain” sounds pretty serious. 
Have you ever had a muscle cramp, pinch or pain that you just can’t reach?  Or one that feels like you cannot push enough to make the pain go away?  Perhaps you’ve experienced an ache or pain and it doesn’t matter how much you massage the area the pain is, it just fades.  We understand the pain. 
It is actually very common. 

The definition we learned in school for a “trigger point” is: a hyperirritable band of muscle, with a point, that when pressed, causes pain elsewhere.
Anything can cause them, but they don’t usually go away by themselves.  Treating a trigger point can also be called a form of  Neuromuscular therapy.   

Meet Alexis

Allow us to introduce Alexis Tiner, NVLMT#16033.  You can read more about her bio here.
Alexis is an expert in pain relief, so much so, that I would almost call her skills magical!  Originally she trained in Neuromuscular Therapy in Colorado.   She has an exceptional talent of tracking down pain, finding what’s causing it, then helping it move out!

My personal favorite is the trigger point tool she sometimes uses.  It can find those tiny little points of misery that are so good are referring pain somewhere else.  Trigger points can be pretty good at hiding sometimes.  

We have been blessed to work with Alexis for the last year and look forward to her return to work, although it will be a little while.  Alexis is currently concentrating on the twins she is pregnant with, which we are all anxiously waiting to meet!

While all of our therapists might not use the trigger point tool of heaven Alexis uses, many of our therapists are trained in trigger point therapy.  If you have any questions, please ask.  You can comment, email, or call.  

We look forward to helping relieve you of those little trigger point neuromuscular terrors, and to help alleviate the pain the cause!

You can schedule online here for your next massage.